Here are some examples of commonly used prompts related to psychology-related search:
- “What is psychology?”
- “What are the different types of psychology?”
- “What is cognitive psychology?”
- “What is abnormal psychology?”
- “What is social psychology?”
- “What is developmental psychology?”
- “What is forensic psychology?”
- “What is clinical psychology?”
- “What is neuropsychology?”
- “What is positive psychology?”
- “What are the symptoms of depression?”
- “What are the causes of anxiety?”
- “What is cognitive-behavioral therapy?”
- “What is psychoanalysis?”
- “What is mindfulness?”
- “What are the effects of stress on mental health?”
- “What is addiction?”
- “What are the different types of personality disorders?”
- “What is trauma?”
- “What is schizophrenia?”
These prompts can help users to narrow their search and find relevant information on psychology-related topics.